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I am writing on behalf of the Halifax County Board of Commissioners to express our deepest appreciation and support of our local media. 

We live in an age when communication is almost instantaneous with cell phones and social media. 

While that technology is wonderful in many ways, local media outlets — newspapers, web-based news, radio and television — maintain their relevance in communicating the truth of what is happening in our communities.

Think about those who seek out stories, write articles and columns, take photos, edit and design content, solicit advertising from local businesses, record PSAs, create commercials, host talk show guests, and shoot video footage. 

These creative stewards of local media live and work in our communities. 

They strive to make sure citizens are aware of not only what is happening locally but also what is taking place on the statewide, national and international stages.

The mission of journalism is the pursuit of truth; thus, reporters, editors, radio hosts, photographers and videographers have a duty to report the news in an unbiased manner, producing content that is accurate and truthful without the influence of opinion in order to help people have a deeper understanding of the world around them. 

That is a powerful mission and one that cannot necessarily be said to be shared by content creators on social media and bloggers. 

There is a level of trust with local media outlets. 

We trust that they are reporting the facts. We trust that they are painting an accurate picture. We trust that they are presenting our community and the world around us as they truly are without the application of either positive or negative lenses.

We are truly grateful for the local media outlets we have serving the citizens of Halifax County, and we ask our citizens to make sure that we continue to support all forms of our local media by inviting them to be part of community events, sharing information with them, subscribing to their publications, listening to their stations and advertising with them. 

Local media employees are the ones who promote our local businesses, show up late at night to make sure families and first responders are safe after an accident or a fire, share nostalgic photos of the community, attend little league games in the summer heat, stand on the sidelines in the cold for high school football games, document actions of local government meetings, celebrate milestones like centenarians and various achievements with us, and so much more.

The mission of the Halifax County Board of Commissioners is to provide leadership and support for an effective county government that seeks to enhance the quality of life for the people of Halifax County.

In summary, local media are the keepers of our community's history. 

They mark the additions to our communities when they report births and the subtractions to our communities when they report deaths. 

We look to the media in times of trouble and in times of joy. 

We ask them to give us the facts and to entertain us with commentary and wit. 

We may think that the days of local media have gone by, but if you try to imagine a world without local media, there will be a large void where the keepers of our history should be.

On behalf of the Halifax County Board of Commissioners, thank you to our local media professionals for all you do in supporting our citizens and businesses and preserving the records and stories of Halifax County!

Vernon Bryant

Chair, Halifax County Board of Commissioners