The Roanoke Rapids Police Department Tuesday introduced four new officers to city council.
Captain Mike Moseley said the four introduced successfully completed the basic law enforcement training program at Halifax Community College and passed the state exam. They are now beginning the department’s 12-week field training program.
The officers are:
Braxton Johnson — a Roanoke Rapids High School graduate who took classes in the school’s law enforcement program. He is also a paramedic and paramedic instructor
Joseph Birden — a new officer with family in North Carolina
David Shaffer — a veteran officer with 18 years of experience and a former Marine. He has served as an officer in Illinois, California, Tennessee and Florida
Jay Conrad — Originally from Ohio, he is a former Marine and an EMT
In other matters Tuesday the council:
Approved a resolution supporting the Integrated Mobility Division Feasibility Study Grant application the planning and development department has applied for.
The grant identifies areas where there is significant need for sidewalks to accommodate residents with the infrastructure to be mobile in a safe walking environment.
If awarded, the city would get $60,000. No local match is required.
Renewed its inter-jurisdictional agreement with the Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District
Since 1933 the city and RRSD have used this agreement for the district’s wastewater treatment and collection system.