Since folks have already got their Christmas decorations up, some before the end of Memorial Day it seems, I thought I’d take a stab at an early holiday column.
Since folks have already got their Christmas decorations up, some before the end of Memorial Day it seems, I thought I’d take a stab at an early holiday column.
As we step into the week after Thanksgiving, I hope our Roanoke Rapids community enjoyed a holiday filled with delicious food, cherished moments, and quality time with loved ones.
This past week was full of exciting activities and accomplishments throughout the Roanoke Rapids Graded School District.
This past week in the Roanoke Rapids Graded School District has been filled with celebrations, recognition, and meaningful opportunities for our students, teachers, and community.
As we have fully moved into the fall season by turning back our clocks, raking our leaves, exchanging Halloween decorations for Thanksgiving or Christmas ones, and completing our first quarter of the school year, our students across the district have had another fulfilling week of growing and learning.