This holiday season, the Roanoke Rapids Public Library staff wishes to encourage citizens to allow their hearts to grow three sizes larger, just like the Grinch.
This holiday season, the Roanoke Rapids Public Library staff wishes to encourage citizens to allow their hearts to grow three sizes larger, just like the Grinch.
The agenda for Tuesday's Roanoke Rapids City Council meeting is contained as an image in the photo gallery.
Notice is hereby given that the Roanoke Rapids City Council will hold a retreat on Friday, December 4, 2020 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the Kirkwood Adams Community Center, 1100 Hamilton Street, Roanoke Rapids, N.C.
November 13, 2020
J. Reuben Daniel City Hall & Police Station: 1040 Roanoke Avenuen (252) 533-2800
October 30, 2020
J. Reuben Daniel City Hall & Police Station: 1040 Roanoke Avenue (252) 533-2800