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Halifax County is always seeking enthusiastic volunteers to fill vacant positions on several boards and commissions covering a wide range of interests.  

The boards and commissions vacancies include the following:

Adult Care Home Advisory Committee 

Central Communications Advisory Board

Choanoke Area Development Association

Community Child Protection Team

Halifax County Council on Aging 

Halifax County Human Relations Commission 

Halifax County Joseph Montfort Amphitheater Advisory Board 

Halifax County Planning Board

Halifax-Northampton Regional Airport Authority 

Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority 

Juvenile Crime Prevention Council 

Lake Gaston Weed Control Council 

Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee 

Solid Waste Advisory Board 

Upper Coastal Plain Board of Directors

Weldon Planning Board 

Halifax County residents interested in serving on one or more boards and commissions must complete a Boards and Commissions Appointment Application which is available online at this link or can be directly downloaded at this link. Further information on the process is available at this link

Applications are accepted Monday through Friday, 8:30 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. in the Halifax County Manager’s Office, email, and by fax to:  

Andrea H. Wiggins, MMC, NCCCC

Clerk to the Board and Assistant to the County Manager

Halifax County Manager’s Office

Phone:  252-583-1131 and Fax:  252-583-9921

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.