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About 340 miles of roadway in Edgecombe, Halifax, Nash, Wayne and Wilson counties will be restriped this year with more durable and visible road markings.

Halifax County is slated to have 64 miles of roadway restriped, according to the state Department of Transportation.

This includes not only major routes such as highways 158 and 301 but secondary roads as well. There will be 48 secondary roads restriped throughout the five counties as well.

Performance Sealing & Striping of Jacksonville will refresh the pavement markings in these five counties, which are part of DOT’s Highway Division 4 headquartered in Wilson. 

DOT awarded the $3.3 million contract last week.

The contractor will use  thermoplastic pavement marking, which is more durable than regular pavement paint and also better reflects headlights. The thermoplastic markings will last about three times longer than regular roadway striping, depending on traffic volumes, weather and other conditions.

“This kind of enhanced pavement marking material will be more visible at night when people are driving, and it will lower the risk of crashes,” said Andy Brown, the Division 4 traffic engineer.

The work is scheduled to take place roughly between September and December.

The affected routes include highways 13, 70 Business, 117, 158 and 301, plus 48 secondary roads. 

The other mileage breakdowns are as follows:

Edgecombe: 52

Nash: 81

Wayne: 118

Wilson: 25