The city’s annual Trunk or Treat event will be held on October 31 at Doyle Field and at Chaloner Recreation Center from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. or until candy runs out.
Roanoke Rapids police Chief Bobby Martin said organizations which wish to register to hand out treats may call him at 252-533-2810. Donations are also welcomed.
City Manager Joseph Scherer told city council Tuesday in accordance with Governor Roy Cooper’s latest executive order which puts the state into phase 3 during the novel coronavirus pandemic, only 50 people at a time will be allowed on the field. Treats will only be handed out by participants and not trick-or-treaters.
Martin said social distancing will be practiced at the event and all participants are asked to wear gloves and a mask as they pass out candy.
The event is sponsored by the police department and the city’s parks and recreation department.
The annual Halloween carnival at T.J. Davis will not be held this year.
Scherer said the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is not recommending traditional trick-or-treating where children go door-to-door to get candy.
Martin said NCDHHS considers traditional trick-or-treating to be a high-risk activity in light of the pandemic.
He said, however, “Nothing says you can’t.”
Therefore, the police department is recommending those who do not want to pass out candy to leave their porch lights off and close their doors.
He also advises those who do go trick-or-treating to not go to residences with lights off and doors closed.
Traditional trick-or-treating will follow the same time as the Trunk or Treat event — 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.