The Halifax County Sheriff's Office participated in the Governor's Highway Safety Program Booze It & Lose It Campaign called Operation Firecracker from June 24 through Sunday.
Major Anzell M. Harris said during these two weeks the sheriff's office conducted five traffic checkpoints, seven speeding enforcement events and eight saturated patrols throughout the county.
Deputies cited 132 violations during this time period.
From July 1 of last year to June 24 deputies conducted 48 traffic checkpoints, 58 speed enforcement events, 59 saturated patrols and 30 seat belt enforcement initiatives throughout the county “to keep our roads safe,” Harris said. “Deputies also assisted other agencies within our county with an additional 17 traffic safety events.”
The next campaign will be the Friday July 26 Speeding Catches Up With You event.
This will be a multi-region event and all the states along and near the Eastern Seaboard will be conducting high visibility enforcement to slow drivers down along interstates and other roadways.
Deputies plan to focus on Highways 158, 903, 561 and 481 on that day.