We Are Improving!

We hope that you'll find our new look appealing and the site easier to navigate than before. Please pardon any 404's that you may see, we're trying to tidy those up!  Should you find yourself on a 404 page please use the search feature in the navigation bar.  

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As we have fully moved into the fall season by turning back our clocks, raking our leaves, exchanging Halloween decorations for Thanksgiving or Christmas ones, and completing our first quarter of the school year, our students across the district have had another fulfilling week of growing and learning. 

User Rating: 5 / 5

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Back in the 1990s, unbeknownst to my bosses at what was the Roanoke Rapids Daily and Sunday Herald, I would steal away to Jackson before an evening Northampton County Board of Commissioners meeting and spend time in a small office that housed the now-defunct Northampton News.