The Roanoke Rapids based 14U Lady Venom travel softball team traved to Richmond Virginia this past Saturday to to play in the "Softball Nation" Fall opener tournament.
The Roanoke Rapids based 14U Lady Venom travel softball team traved to Richmond Virginia this past Saturday to to play in the "Softball Nation" Fall opener tournament.
The Roanoke Rapids based Lady Venom 07 12U travel Softball team travelled to Williamston, NC last weekend for the Eastern NC Season Opener tournament hosted by Top Gun.
Roanoke Rapids twelve year old Chloe Moore was part Southern Chaos travel softball team based out of Nash County brought home second place in the 12U Red bracket of the NCUSSSA Summer Classic in Rocky Mount this past weekend.
The Roanoke Rapids based Lady Venom 10U "08" travel softball team traveled to Rocky Mount this past weekend to play in the USSSA Summer Classic Tournament.
It is time for the fourth annual Robyne Barnes Memorial softball tournament!