Northeast Academy Lady Eagles tennis team beat Oakwood School at Oakwood Monday.
Match results:
1. Carly Stephenson 8-3. Ellie Osborne
2. Jessie Martin 8-3. Michola Robinette
3. Emalee Jones 2-8 Fernanda Olivia
4. Lizzie Smith 8-2. Knor Ali
5. Roslynn Morris 5-8 Cambell Uveagus
6. Kierstyn Flythe. 1-8 Whitney Moore
1. Stephenson/Jones 9-7. Osborne/Robinette
2. Martin/ Smith 8-5. Fernando/ Knor
3. Morris/Flythe 1-8 cambell/ Whitney
NEA. 5. Oakwood 4
Today ( Tuesday) NEA will finish the match with Lawrence at 3 in Jackson. That match was incomplete due to lightening delays and rain.
Wednesday NEA will travel to Northeastern in Elizabeth City.