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Thursday, 30 March 2017 15:37

Attorney surrenders license in wake of disbarment order

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A Halifax County attorney surrendered his license to practice law in the wake of a pending complaint against him before the Disciplinary Hearing Commission of the North Carolina State Bar.

Gregory L. Perry on March 2 signed an affidavit of surrender of his law license, according to documents filed with the state bar.
In the affidavit he acknowledges he was aware of the pending complaint which alleges he was convicted of contempt of court, attempted to acquire controlled substances from a client he represented on drug charges, misled jail officials in an effort to gain access to an inmate and deceptive in response to inquiries from the state bar.
“I acknowledge that the material facts upon which the pending complaint is predicated are true,” he said in the affidavit. “I am submitting my resignation because I know that I could not successfully defend against the pending disciplinary charges.”
A phone call to a number listed as Perry’s went unanswered today and a message was not returned.
In the order for disbarment, the findings of fact show Perry was licensed to practice law in North Carolina in 2007.
The document says the North Carolina State Bar in October of last year filed a formal complaint noting the contempt conviction as well as the attempt to acquire controlled substances from a client he represented on drug charges.
The order also notes Perry mislead jail officials in an effort to gain access to an inmate and was deceptive in response to inquiries from the state bar, which is a violation of rules of conduct.
“This conduct constitutes grounds for discipline under (North Carolina law) in that conviction of a criminal offense showing professional unfitness is grounds for imposition of professional discipline under (North Carolina law).”
The order further charges Perry engaged in criminal conduct reflecting adversely on his trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer, attempted to intentionally damage his client, attempted to assist a client in activity he knew was criminal, engaged in a conflict of interest, failed to withdraw from representing a client when withdrawal was required, engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice, engaged in conduct involving dishonesty, and made false statements of fact in connection with a disciplinary matter in violation (of rules of professional conduct).
The order says Perry indicated his consent to disbarment and admitted the bar’s material facts are true.
Captain A.M. Harris of the City County Drug Task Force declined comment today on the alleged drug activity.
Halifax County Sheriff Wes Tripp said he made a complaint to the North Carolina State Bar.
While he would not elaborate, Tripp did confirm his complaint involved activity between Perry, the jail and an inmate.

Read 16852 times Last modified on Thursday, 30 March 2017 16:54