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There are currently no reported cases of monkeypox in Halifax County, the health department reported today.

There have been 111 total cases reported in North Carolina and no deaths reported throughout the country.

Monkeypox is a rash illness, caused by the monkeypox virus. 

(A PDF on the virus can be downloaded at this link)

Monkeypox can be spread to anyone through close contact, including:

Direct skin-to-skin contact with the monkeypox rash, sores, or scabs

Contact with objects that have been used by someone with monkeypox — clothes, linens, surfaces

Exposure to respiratory droplets or oral fluids during prolonged face-to-face contact with someone with monkeypox

Monkeypox can also be spread during intimate oral, anal, or vaginal sexual contact with a person with monkeypox

The health department said nearly all monkeypox cases in North Carolina have been in men who have sex with men, consistent with findings from other jurisdictions.