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A DIY workshop on December 4 will replace Downtown Enfield Restoration and Preservation’s annual Christmas Homes Tour this year.

The event will be held from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the historic Episcopal Church of the Advent at 200 Batchelor Street.

The focus of the workshop is DIY projects for historic homes and historic tax credits.

The workshop is also a celebration of Enfield’s historic designation on August 16 of last year.

Restoring an old house or business can be expensive and there are some jobs – involving infrastructure – where it pays to have a professional complete the work, DERP said. “But there are many smaller projects the property owner can undertake. Not only does DERP want to help you develop an appreciation of the fine craftsmanship of these old structures, but the organization also wants to save you money.”

The cost of the workshop, which includes lunch, is $10 for seniors and students and $15 general admission. Tickets will be sold at the door. 

RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you plan to attend, so we have attendance numbers.

A luncheon begins at 12:30 p.m. and consists of meatball and/or sausage heroes as well as other homemade foods.

After lunch, the following workshops will be held:

How to replace ropes in weighted double-hung windows

Wayne Anderson is the DIY expert for this workshop.

How to reglaze single-pane wood windows

Judge Holdford is the DIY expert for this workshop.

How to create cement countertops

Lee Jones, Rob Scala and Myra Wirtz will be on hand to give DIY tips on the best techniques.

How to radon-test your historic property

Chester B. Williams from the Fresh Water-Fresh Start Coalition will be the expert on this topic.

How to age in place 

The DIY expert for this workshop is Julia Andrus.

How to improve the outside landscape

EEDRC, another Enfield community organization that sponsored the historic designation, is partnering with North Carolina Wildlife to offer free native trees to homes and businesses in the district. 

The Tree-Giveaway Project will be delivered by Gerry Middleton, EEDRC Executive Director.

How to qualify for historic tax credits

Reid Thomas, from the eastern office of NC Preservation, will  discuss whether your renovation project is eligible and how to apply for the state and federal historic tax credits. He will also answer any general renovation questions the property owner may have.

Other events

The DERP oyster roast is set for November 26. Information is contained in the photo below:

Christmas with Santa will be held Thursday, December 1 at 5:30 p.m. at the Town Square on Whitfield Street.

Southern Secrets on Whitfield Street will be open on December 4 for those looking for unique Christmas gifts.