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Monday, 05 October 2015 15:16

Commissioners honor 'man who put Hobgood on the map'

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He is often associated with the Halifax County Economic Development Commission slogan, “Working together works.”

And while he admits he didn't coin the phrase — he only carries the mantra introduced by a former development director forward — Frank Avent III tries to live it every day.

The Halifax County Board of Commissioners today honored the longtime Hobgood resident, volunteer and retired banker with a reception following their meeting to recognize October 5 as Frank Avent Day.

A proclamation endorsed by the board recognized his service to the county, noting the slogan, “Working together works is evidenced by its economic growth.”

Dollie Burwell, an aide to United States Congressman G.K. Butterfield, sent greetings, thanking Avent, who has served on numerous county boards and is the chair of the Halifax County Economic Development Commission, for all he has done, while state Senator Angela Bryant sent congratulations via Commissioner Carolyn Johnson.

Photos of the reception



“I appreciate the friendship we've had,” said Kimberly Mack, executive assistant to Halifax Community College President Ervin Griffin Sr. “We appreciate you Mr. Avent, your leadership, support and dedication to HCC.”

Said Commissioner Marcelle Smith, “To know Frank is to know Frank. Representing the southeastern portion of Halifax County, a lot of times we're missed in the grand scheme of things. If you know Frank Avent, you know Hobgood exists.”

Commissioner Patrick Qualls said Avent was on the top of the list of people to consult when he decided to run for office. “I appreciate all he's done for me and I appreciate his friendship.”

Avent, Commissioner Rives Manning said, is one of his biggest advocates, telling people, “I'm not good-looking but I don't have horns.”

Sheriff Wes Tripp and Avent have known each other for 20 years. “When I decided to run, Frank was one of the first people I went to talk to. I started my campaign in Hobgood. He helped to convince my adversaries that I wasn't so bad. We love you, I love you and we're here for you.”

Gene Minton, a former county commissioner, told the audience, “Most everything he does is totally voluntary. He's never been paid. You encourage me. You encourage everyone.”

Gus Tulloss, a longtime friend, said Avent, as a banker, worked to help everyone, not only in Halifax County, but neighboring counties as well. “He's enthusiastic, just a wonderful person.”

For Halifax County Manager Tony Brown, Avent is a genuine person. “Frank is great. He's one of the few people I know to ask how I'm doing. When he calls, I know it's genuine. It's like a slice of heaven talking to someone who's genuinely interested in Halifax County.”

Brown called Avent “a great ambassador for Halifax County. Thank you for all you've done. Thank you for making my job more bearable.”

Rick Gilstrap called Avent a movie star. “He's the Energizer Bunny.”

Perhaps the only other person in the audience more widely associated with Hobgood was David Mayer. “He and my father were both Vietnam War veterans. He is the one who has put Hobgood on the map. I love you like a father.”

Avent, a Nash County native, admitted Ron Baker, former economic development director, was the one who began using, “Working together works. I've tried to carry it on here.”

His vision for the county is that no child goes to bed hungry; everyone gets a good a job, “and I want to see every child get a good education.”

Said Avent: “I've enjoyed being in Halifax County. There are so many good people in Halifax County. We want to make Halifax County a better place to live, to work and raise our families. I will be in Halifax County. I don't plan to leave it anytime soon.”

He called on other ambassadors of the county to “go out and make Halifax County the place we all want it to be.”

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