This past Saturday three Roanoke Rapids bassed Lady Venom travel softball teams traveled to Tarbor to play in Top Gun Sports Cancer tournament.
This past Saturday three Roanoke Rapids bassed Lady Venom travel softball teams traveled to Tarbor to play in Top Gun Sports Cancer tournament.
The Roanoke Rapids based Lady Venom U8 (2013) travelball softball team finished runner-up in the Gold Bracket in the Zone Qualifier in Kinston to close out September.
Boys 2 Men Inc. Community Focus and Deborah Lee James will host Live, Laugh, Love, a free family event for all September 5 from noon to 6 p.m. at Dwight Hall Park in Gaston.
The '07 Lady Venom 14u team played in a tournament last weekend in Clayton, coming in first place in the gold bracket.
Roanoke Rapids based girls fastpitch softball travel Lady Venom 12u team traveled to Kinston this past weekend for the Top Gun Sports Stars and Stripes Showdown tournament.